
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Broken Hearted

The first time I saw you
It's just nothing
Days later I began to know you
Evrything that is in you

Month's passed we're getting to know each other
Have shared ideas, opinions and laughter
We began to be friends
And smile every time we see each other

Thursday afternoon I expected you in the lobby
I don't know why
Evry time I see you, I can wear a sweet smile
Amazing, you male me feel alright

My friends never know my secret
It's a thing between me, my mind and my heart
Only my angel and God knows it
And I don't want to reveal it

One fine morning,
A shocking and embarrassing truth I know
He's courting my bestfriend
Oh! It hurts, I don't know what to do
I told my self it's nothing
Hoping that the pain will lessen
It's just an admiration
A teenager's infatuation

How I wish I am my bestfriend
That I'm the one your courting
Feel the love you're telling
Oh! What am I dreaming?